Character Network
a) Before you open the notebook!: Sometimes itβs good to verify that keras really does what you want it to do. Therefore, calculate the number of parameters used for the first LSTM layer (line 3) and the dense layer (line 6 and 7). The notebook is defined as follows:
# maxlen = 40
# len(chars) = 106
model.add(LSTM(512, return_sequences=True, input_shape=(maxlen, len(chars)))) # original one
model.add(LSTM(512, return_sequences=True))
Please note that a LSTM-layer has 4 units. Each unit takes the concatenation $[h_{t-1}, x_t]$ of the input vector $x_t$ and hidden state vector $h_{t-1}$ and transforms it using a matrix $W$ and a bias vector $b$. For example the forget-gate is:
Hints: Look at the code-snippet above, what is the size of your hidden state vector $h_{t-1}$ and what is the size of the input vector $x_t$? First determine the size of the concatenation $[h_{t-1}, x_t]$ and then the size of your $W$ and $b$. Remember, there are 4 units in a LSTM-layer, so we have 4 $W$ and $b$.
For an illustration of the LSTM see:
Solution: (1β267β712) for first LSTM and (54β378) for dense layer. The solution can be found here
b) Now open the notebook 15_char_rnn_didactic_prediction_solution.ipynb. Understand the code choose a different starting seed.
c) Play around with the temperature. What happens if you, increase / decrease the temperature.