Fully connected and convolutional autoencoder on MNIST

Open the notebook 16_fc_cnn_denoising_autoencoder_solution and run all cells.
Try to understand the code.

a) Look at first fully connected autoencoder. Why is there a sigmoid-activation in the last layer? What is the size of the bottleneck layer? Hint: What is the range of the input data and what is the goal of the autoencoder.

Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
bottleneck (Dense)           (None, 32)                25120     
reconstruction (Dense)       (None, 784)               25872     
Total params: 50,992.0
Trainable params: 50,992
Non-trainable params: 0.0

b) What is the difference between the fc autoencoder and the denoising fc autoencoder?

c) Why are there much less weights in the cnn autoencoders.

d) Compare the the five tsne-plots. What do you think, which one is the best?